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Did you know that you can trade with villagers in Minecraft? This post will show you how!


Where to find villagers:

To trade with villagers, you need to find a village.

Villages can be foun in the plains, taiga, snowy plains, savanna, and  desert biomes.You can also sometimes find iron golems in villages. Villages can’t be found in the swamp or jungle biomes, although there are textures for villagers in those biomes.

Different professions:

Villagers also have different professions, or jobs. The trades you get from a villager depend on what profession the villager has. You can also change the profession of a villager by placing a specific block near them. All the different villager professions and the blocks to get their professions are listed below:

  •  Nitwit: has plain clothes and is the only villager type you can’t trade with
  • Farmer: has a straw hat and can usually be found near the village farm and gives you mostly food for trades block: composter
  • Armorer: Has a metal eye protection mask and trades you iron, chains, and armor. block: blast furnace
  • Butcher: has a a white apron and a pink band on his head. He mostly trades you meat. Block: smoker
  • Cartographer: has a monocle on one eye and mostly trades you maps, glass panes, and banners. Block: cartography table
  • Cleric: has a purple robe and trades you ender pearls, redstone, and potion/enchanting ingredients. block: brewing stand
  • Fisherman: has a slightly darker hat than the farmer, and trades you fish items and campfires. block:barrel
  • Fletcher: has a brown hat with a feather in it and trades you archery materials.  block: fletching table
  • Leatherworker: has a brown apron and mostly trades you leather armor. Block: cauldron
  • Librarian: has a book on his head and mostly trades you enchented books + bookshevles. block: lectern
  • Stone mason (just mason in java edition): has a mostly black outfit and trades you different brick and stone variants Block: stonecutter
  • Shepherd: has a brown hat and a brown and white outfit. Trades you shears, wool, paintings, dyes, and beds Block: loom
  • Toolsmith: has a brown apron and trades you diamonds, iron ingots, and flint and steel. Block: smithing table
  • Weaponsmith: has an eyepatch and trades you armor, bows, swords, and pickaxes. Block: grindstone

Once you find a village, find a villager. Trade by interacting with it. Once you will interact with it you will see a full menu of available trades. When you first trade with a villager, hover over one of the 2 boxes with availble trades. The

The more you trade with a villager, the more trades you will unlock.
Nitwit (left), shepherd (middle), and librarian (right).
Iron golems are neutural, meaning they only attack you if you attack them.

first item in the box is the item that the villager wants. The 2nd item is what you get in exchnge for trading. The main currency for villager trading is emeralds. Emeralds can only be found in extreme

 hills biomes, and are the rarest ores in minecraft.

 You can also get emeralds by trading with villagers. The more you trade with a villager, the more trades you will unlock.