Trading ยป How to make a nether portal (without a diamond pickaxe)

How to make a nether portal (without a diamond pickaxe)

Did you know thet there are other dimensions in MInecraft? This post is all about the nether!

There are 3 dimesions in Minecraft: The overworld, where you spawn, the nether, where you can find netherite, and the end, where you find the ender dragon. To get to the nether, you first have to create a nether portal. To create the nether portal you need at least 10 peices of obsidian. Obsidian can only be mined with a diamond pickaxe, but if you don’t have any diamonds, there is another way to make a portal. All you need to do is place any block you want in a 4×5 rectangle shape, with 4 blocks on the bottom and top and 5 blocks on the sides. Don’t fill in the inside of the portal. Then grab a bucket of water and pour water over the whole thing. Once it is covered in water, use the bucket to collect lava and place the bucket of lava in front of one of the blocks. The lava will turn to obsidian. Keep placing the lava over the blocks until the whole front of the rectangle is finished. Then get rid of the water. Then craft a flint and steel with 1 iron and 1 flint. Then ignite the portal by interacting with one of the bottom blocks of obsidian while holding the flint and steel. If you did it correctly, you should now see purple swirls on the inside of the rectangle. Step into the purple swirls to go to the nether.Once you are in the nether, you can go back into the portal to go back to the overworld.