Other dimesions ยป Strip mining

Strip mining

Strip mining is an effective way to mine. This post will show you how!

The 1st step to strip mining is to dig a staircase down to Y level 12. You can see when you are at level 12 by looking at the coordinates on the top left corner of the screen. If you can’t see the coordinates, you may have to turn them on in setiings. Once you reach level 12, mine yourself a tunnel, no more than 2 blocks high. You can make it as wide or as long as you want. Now that you have a tunnel, go to one of the walls and dig a smaller tunnel only 1 block wide. Keep digging forward until you want to stop. Once your first strip mine is complete, start another one by going 2 blocks to the side of the entrance for your first strip mine and start mining again. That is how you strip mine. Also, if you’re mining diamonds, redstone, or gold, make sure you’re using a diamond, iron, or netherite pickaxe or you won’t be able to collect the ore.