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Do you know how to enchant your tools in Minecraft? Ever heard of an enchanting table? This post is all about enchanting!

There are 2 ways to enchant your tools: The 1st way is to use and anvil and enchanted books. The 2nd way is to use an enchanting table. An enchanting table is a special item used to enchant your items. Both ways to enchant your items reqiure xp levels, or experience points. You can see how much xp you have by looking at the light green bar at the top of your hotbar. The number on top of the bar shows you how many levels (experience points are also sometimes called levels or enchanting levels.) you have, and the meter shows you how close you are to the next level. There are many ways to collect xp. Some ways are to:

  • mine coal
  • smelt items in a furnace
  • kill mobs
  • breed mobs
  • use a bottle of enchanting (found in some loot chests and higher level villager trades)
  • fishing

Enchanting with an anvil + enchanted books:

If you want to use an anvil for enchanting, you will also need enchanted books. Enchanted books can be found in some loot chests in dungeons or desert temples, but if you don’t plan on going on an adventure, you can also get them from fishing. Enchanted books will have the name of the enchantment and what level it is when you  hover over it in your inventory. Higher level enchantments will be stronger. (example: Soul speed l is less powerful than soul speed ll.) Only some items can have certain enchantments. For example, a bow can’t have the thorns enchantment, and your armor can’t have the smite enchantment. Once you have your items, put the item you want to enchant in the first slot in the anvil and the enchanted book in the second slot. If you have the right amount of levels, and your item can have the enchantment, you should have an enchanted item!

Enchanting with an enchanting table:

Enchanting with an enchanting table is another way to enchant your items. First you need to craft one. To craft one, you’ll need: 1 book, 4 peices of obsidian, and 2 diamonds. Put the first 3 pieces of obsidian on the bottom row of your crafting table. Put the last piece of obsidian in the center of the crafting table. Put adiamond on either side of the obsidian. Place the book on the top center. You now have an enchanting table. To use it, find at least 3 pieces of lapis lazuli and put them in the table. then put the tool you want to enchant. Once the tool is in the table, the 3 boxes on the side will turn light green. if you hover over them you will see the name of the enchantment and how many enchantment levels you need. Just click the enchantment you need to get it on your item.